Monthly Report for July 2024
Total Hits 7992
Total Files 5842
Pages 5664
Visits 2205
Total Volume 350.33 MB
Total Unique Sites 1646
Total Unique URLs 1006
Total Unique Referrers 286
Total Unique User Agents 491
Total Bad Records 2
Total Ignored Records 4919
  Avg Max
Hits per Hour 10 131
Hits per Day 257 696
Files per Day 188 651
Pages per Day 182 455
Visits per Day 71 177
Sites per Day 53 181
Volume per Day 11.30 MB 107.56 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 101 - Switching Protocols 38 0.48%
Code 200 - OK 5842 73.10%
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 1239 15.50%
Code 304 - Not Modified 1 0.01%
Code 400 - Bad Request 24 0.30%
Code 404 - Not Found 848 10.61%

Daily usage for July 2024

Daily Report for July 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Hits% Visits Sites Volume
1 247 3.09% 144 2.46% 189 3.34% 76.52% 64 2.90% 58 2.52% 3.97 MB 1.13%
2 220 2.75% 137 2.35% 147 2.60% 66.82% 59 2.68% 59 2.56% 4.44 MB 1.27%
3 232 2.90% 138 2.36% 199 3.51% 85.78% 60 2.72% 55 2.39% 4.33 MB 1.24%
4 257 3.22% 187 3.20% 213 3.76% 82.88% 79 3.58% 67 2.91% 3.76 MB 1.07%
5 160 2.00% 109 1.87% 120 2.12% 75.00% 57 2.59% 51 2.21% 2.43 MB 0.69%
6 235 2.94% 132 2.26% 176 3.11% 74.89% 58 2.63% 49 2.13% 3.53 MB 1.01%
7 161 2.01% 109 1.87% 130 2.30% 80.75% 59 2.68% 50 2.17% 2.69 MB 0.77%
8 210 2.63% 152 2.60% 140 2.47% 66.67% 57 2.59% 49 2.13% 5.09 MB 1.45%
9 189 2.36% 122 2.09% 133 2.35% 70.37% 50 2.27% 46 2.00% 3.57 MB 1.02%
10 175 2.19% 122 2.09% 138 2.44% 78.86% 66 2.99% 51 2.21% 2.44 MB 0.70%
11 172 2.15% 125 2.14% 146 2.58% 84.88% 71 3.22% 65 2.82% 1.75 MB 0.50%
12 232 2.90% 125 2.14% 172 3.04% 74.14% 55 2.49% 56 2.43% 3.95 MB 1.13%
13 310 3.88% 207 3.54% 225 3.97% 72.58% 76 3.45% 65 2.82% 3.96 MB 1.13%
14 173 2.16% 120 2.05% 120 2.12% 69.36% 52 2.36% 52 2.26% 4.34 MB 1.24%
15 143 1.79% 101 1.73% 109 1.92% 76.22% 50 2.27% 45 1.95% 2.78 MB 0.79%
16 199 2.49% 143 2.45% 157 2.77% 78.89% 63 2.86% 49 2.13% 4.85 MB 1.38%
17 143 1.79% 100 1.71% 96 1.69% 67.13% 59 2.68% 59 2.56% 4.41 MB 1.26%
18 322 4.03% 256 4.38% 162 2.86% 50.31% 53 2.40% 124 5.38% 23.85 MB 6.81%
19 696 8.71% 651 11.14% 114 2.01% 16.38% 56 2.54% 181 7.86% 107.56 MB 30.70%
20 161 2.01% 105 1.80% 103 1.82% 63.98% 51 2.31% 65 2.82% 5.73 MB 1.63%
21 198 2.48% 138 2.36% 147 2.60% 74.24% 49 2.22% 50 2.17% 3.11 MB 0.89%
22 264 3.30% 162 2.77% 215 3.80% 81.44% 61 2.77% 61 2.65% 4.88 MB 1.39%
23 155 1.94% 116 1.99% 128 2.26% 82.58% 58 2.63% 60 2.61% 2.16 MB 0.62%
24 186 2.33% 143 2.45% 103 1.82% 55.38% 46 2.09% 60 2.61% 6.79 MB 1.94%
25 273 3.42% 193 3.30% 171 3.02% 62.64% 62 2.81% 74 3.21% 6.81 MB 1.94%
26 162 2.03% 117 2.00% 138 2.44% 85.19% 61 2.77% 67 2.91% 4.28 MB 1.22%
27 325 4.07% 233 3.99% 256 4.52% 78.77% 177 8.03% 166 7.21% 10.89 MB 3.11%
28 368 4.60% 258 4.42% 273 4.82% 74.18% 175 7.94% 155 6.73% 12.03 MB 3.43%
29 436 5.46% 350 5.99% 346 6.11% 79.36% 110 4.99% 104 4.52% 26.22 MB 7.48%
30 481 6.02% 400 6.85% 443 7.82% 92.10% 129 5.85% 119 5.17% 24.32 MB 6.94%
31 507 6.34% 447 7.65% 455 8.03% 89.74% 83 3.76% 91 3.95% 49.42 MB 14.11%

Hourly usage for July 2024

Hourly Report for July 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages Sites Volume
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Hits% Avg Total Avg Total
0 7 227 2.84% 5 165 2.82% 5 169 2.98% 74.45% 3 107 6.50% 280.94 kB 8.71 MB 2.49%
1 6 198 2.48% 5 158 2.70% 4 143 2.52% 72.22% 2 92 5.59% 269.41 kB 8.35 MB 2.38%
2 6 186 2.33% 4 143 2.45% 4 127 2.24% 68.28% 2 90 5.47% 371.17 kB 11.51 MB 3.28%
3 8 266 3.33% 5 179 3.06% 7 217 3.83% 81.58% 2 77 4.68% 574.43 kB 17.81 MB 5.08%
4 12 396 4.95% 8 261 4.47% 10 323 5.70% 81.57% 2 83 5.04% 382.85 kB 11.87 MB 3.39%
5 11 352 4.40% 8 252 4.31% 8 277 4.89% 78.69% 3 93 5.65% 523.32 kB 16.22 MB 4.63%
6 12 383 4.79% 7 237 4.06% 9 294 5.19% 76.76% 2 81 4.92% 350.93 kB 10.88 MB 3.11%
7 11 361 4.52% 8 257 4.40% 7 229 4.04% 63.43% 3 108 6.56% 484.60 kB 15.02 MB 4.29%
8 11 368 4.60% 7 244 4.18% 7 247 4.36% 67.12% 3 104 6.32% 434.19 kB 13.46 MB 3.84%
9 12 379 4.74% 9 287 4.91% 9 281 4.96% 74.14% 3 109 6.62% 518.27 kB 16.07 MB 4.59%
10 10 321 4.02% 8 250 4.28% 7 222 3.92% 69.16% 2 84 5.10% 481.06 kB 14.91 MB 4.26%
11 12 394 4.93% 9 293 5.02% 9 291 5.14% 73.86% 3 98 5.95% 519.38 kB 16.10 MB 4.60%
12 13 425 5.32% 9 290 4.96% 8 275 4.86% 64.71% 3 116 7.05% 526.28 kB 16.31 MB 4.66%
13 9 295 3.69% 7 225 3.85% 6 203 3.58% 68.81% 3 107 6.50% 568.52 kB 17.62 MB 5.03%
14 11 362 4.53% 8 271 4.64% 7 239 4.22% 66.02% 3 100 6.08% 541.99 kB 16.80 MB 4.80%
15 11 343 4.29% 9 281 4.81% 7 245 4.33% 71.43% 3 96 5.83% 611.14 kB 18.95 MB 5.41%
16 9 301 3.77% 8 249 4.26% 6 186 3.28% 61.79% 3 103 6.26% 666.70 kB 20.67 MB 5.90%
17 10 329 4.12% 7 236 4.04% 6 200 3.53% 60.79% 2 82 4.98% 706.82 kB 21.91 MB 6.25%
18 8 278 3.48% 7 224 3.83% 6 200 3.53% 71.94% 3 94 5.71% 315.52 kB 9.78 MB 2.79%
19 6 203 2.54% 5 163 2.79% 5 156 2.75% 76.85% 2 91 5.53% 302.17 kB 9.37 MB 2.67%
20 9 303 3.79% 8 255 4.36% 6 199 3.51% 65.68% 2 92 5.59% 425.46 kB 13.19 MB 3.76%
21 14 449 5.62% 10 325 5.56% 10 324 5.72% 72.16% 3 101 6.14% 388.89 kB 12.06 MB 3.44%
22 11 360 4.50% 8 263 4.50% 7 237 4.18% 65.83% 2 84 5.10% 490.49 kB 15.21 MB 4.34%
23 16 513 6.42% 10 334 5.72% 12 380 6.71% 74.07% 3 111 6.74% 566.32 kB 17.56 MB 5.01%

Top URLs by Hits for July 2024

Top 50 of 1006 Total URLs
# Hits Volume URL
1 1785 22.33% 13.75 MB 3.92% /
2 531 6.64% 58.69 MB 16.75%
3 516 6.46% 2.36 MB 0.68% /schuze/Zapis ze schuze 20.1.2018.html
4 314 3.93% 1.07 MB 0.30% /kontakt.html
5 124 1.55% 452.78 kB 0.13% /schuze/Zapis ze schuze 24.1.2009.html
6 52 0.65% 209.35 kB 0.06% /geocaching.html
7 48 0.60% 609.65 kB 0.17%
8 47 0.59% 135.68 kB 0.04% /onas.html
9 38 0.48% 148.99 kB 0.04% /clanky.html
10 36 0.45% 254.30 kB 0.07% /clanky/rj-vs-cd.html
11 36 0.45% 51.83 kB 0.01% /heslo.html
12 35 0.44% 47.94 kB 0.01% /akce.html
13 34 0.43% 97.08 kB 0.03% /clenove.html
14 32 0.40% 69.41 kB 0.02% /odkazy.html
15 31 0.39% 211.15 kB 0.06% /archiv.html
16 13 0.16% 146.98 kB 0.04% /archiv/svet.html
17 12 0.15% 35.50 kB 0.01% /archiv/orient1.html
18 12 0.15% 1.36 MB 0.39%
19 10 0.13% 26.44 kB 0.01% /clanky/trojmesti.html
20 10 0.13% 26.57 kB 0.01% /onas/Jezkuv_most_3.html
21 10 0.13% 17.16 kB 0.00% /onas/Jezkuv_most_4.html
22 10 0.13% 14.37 kB 0.00% /onas/ferd.html
23 9 0.11% 28.37 kB 0.01% /archiv/vyskov.html
24 9 0.11% 25.27 kB 0.01% /onas/Jezkuv_most_2.html
25 9 0.11% 23.46 kB 0.01% /onas/Jezkuv_most_7.html
26 9 0.11% 15.25 kB 0.00% /onas/archiv.html
27 9 0.11% 20.43 kB 0.01% /onas/odpadky.html
28 9 0.11% 37.57 kB 0.01% /onas/stoleti.html
29 8 0.10% 15.48 kB 0.00% /onas/Jezkuv_most_1.html
30 8 0.10% 14.91 kB 0.00% /onas/Jezkuv_most_10.html
31 8 0.10% 17.10 kB 0.00% /onas/Jezkuv_most_12.html
32 8 0.10% 14.78 kB 0.00% /onas/O_Jezkove_mostu.html
33 8 0.10% 17.72 kB 0.01% /onas/Zachrana_Jezkova_mostu.html
34 8 0.10% 16.17 kB 0.00% /onas/ministerstvo.html
35 8 0.10% 18.68 kB 0.01% /onas/projekt.html
36 8 0.10% 20.57 kB 0.01% /onas/stehovani.html
37 7 0.09% 17.63 kB 0.01% /onas/Jezkuv_most.html
38 5 0.06% 19.21 kB 0.01% /archiv/historie2.html
39 5 0.06% 16.64 kB 0.00% /archiv/ratiskovka.html
40 5 0.06% 19.40 kB 0.01% /archiv/regio.html
41 4 0.05% 18.12 kB 0.01% /archiv/kolejiste2.html
42 4 0.05% 138.06 kB 0.04% /archiv/leto1.html
43 4 0.05% 17.83 kB 0.01% /archiv/nezamyslice.html
44 4 0.05% 11.04 kB 0.00% /archiv/predsilvestr5.html
45 4 0.05% 17.02 kB 0.00% /archiv/strasshof.html
46 4 0.05% 13.16 kB 0.00% /archiv/zeleznice.html
47 4 0.05% 11.07 kB 0.00% /clanky/vracov_2019.html
48 3 0.04% 42.83 kB 0.01% //stats/usage_202204.html
49 3 0.04% 357.93 kB 0.10% /LGB_prazdniny.pdf
50 3 0.04% 10.28 kB 0.00% /archiv/JC.html
... 4079 51.04% 269.54 MB 76.94% Other

Top URLs by Volume for July 2024

Top 25 of 1006 Total URLs By Volume
# Hits Volume URL
1 531 6.64% 58.69 MB 16.75%
2 1785 22.33% 13.75 MB 3.92% /
3 1 0.01% 4.37 MB 1.25% /brozura.pdf
4 1 0.01% 4.02 MB 1.15% /bambifest2015.pdf
5 1 0.01% 3.71 MB 1.06% /spp_letak.pdf
6 2 0.03% 3.54 MB 1.01% /myslivna.pdf
7 516 6.46% 2.36 MB 0.68% /schuze/Zapis ze schuze 20.1.2018.html
8 1 0.01% 1.53 MB 0.44% /zastavka.pdf
9 1 0.01% 1.49 MB 0.43% /letak120.pdf
10 12 0.15% 1.36 MB 0.39%
11 1 0.01% 1.07 MB 0.31% /spp_plakat.pdf
12 314 3.93% 1.07 MB 0.30% /kontakt.html
13 1 0.01% 1.00 MB 0.29% /vanoce2022.pdf
14 48 0.60% 609.65 kB 0.17%
15 1 0.01% 524.60 kB 0.15% /detskyden2022.pdf
16 1 0.01% 508.46 kB 0.15% /mikulas_2018.pdf
17 124 1.55% 452.78 kB 0.13% /schuze/Zapis ze schuze 24.1.2009.html
18 3 0.04% 357.93 kB 0.10% /LGB_prazdniny.pdf
19 3 0.04% 357.87 kB 0.10% /plus/veljizdne.pdf
20 2 0.03% 300.35 kB 0.09% /lednice2018.pdf
21 2 0.03% 281.92 kB 0.08% /predsilvestr2018.pdf
22 36 0.45% 254.30 kB 0.07% /clanky/rj-vs-cd.html
23 31 0.39% 211.15 kB 0.06% /archiv.html
24 52 0.65% 209.35 kB 0.06% /geocaching.html
25 38 0.48% 148.99 kB 0.04% /clanky.html
... 4484 56.11% 248.14 MB 70.83% Other

Top Entry Pages for July 2024

Top 20 of 124 Total Entry Pages
# Entry Page Views Single Access Stickiness Popularity (Good > 1) URL
1 1015 53.22% 369 63.65% 1.1 /
2 427 22.39% 373 12.65% 1.0 /schuze/Zapis ze schuze 20.1.2018.html
3 106 5.56% 93 12.26% 1.0 /schuze/Zapis ze schuze 24.1.2009.html
4 34 1.78% 32 5.88% 1.0 /clanky/rj-vs-cd.html
5 23 1.21% 3 86.96% 5.8
6 13 0.68% 13 0.00% 1.0 /archiv/svet.html
7 12 0.63% 12 0.00% 1.0 /archiv/orient1.html
8 12 0.63% 12 0.00% 0.1 /kontakt.html
9 12 0.63% 12 0.00% 1.0
10 9 0.47% 8 11.11% 1.1 /archiv/vyskov.html
11 9 0.47% 8 11.11% 1.0 /clanky/trojmesti.html
12 7 0.37% 6 14.29% 1.2 /archiv/historie2.html
13 6 0.31% 0 100.00% 1.2 /archiv/regio.html
14 5 0.26% 4 20.00% 1.2 /archiv/ratiskovka.html
15 5 0.26% 4 20.00% 1.2 /archiv/stramberk2011.html
16 5 0.26% 5 0.00% 1.0 /archiv/strasshof.html
17 5 0.26% 5 0.00% 1.0 /archiv/zeleznice.html
18 5 0.26% 4 20.00% 0.6 /clanky.html
19 4 0.21% 4 0.00% 1.0 /archiv/kolejiste2.html
20 4 0.21% 4 0.00% 1.0 /archiv/leto1.html
... 189 9.91% 140     Other

Top Exit Pages for July 2024

Top 20 of 126 Total Exit Pages
# Exit Page Views Popularity (Good > 1) URL
1 884 44.49% 1.1 /
2 422 21.24% 1.0 /schuze/Zapis ze schuze 20.1.2018.html
3 236 11.88% 0.1 /kontakt.html
4 103 5.18% 1.0 /schuze/Zapis ze schuze 24.1.2009.html
5 34 1.71% 1.0 /clanky/rj-vs-cd.html
6 24 1.21% 0.1 /geocaching.html
7 13 0.65% 1.0 /archiv/svet.html
8 12 0.60% 1.0 /archiv/orient1.html
9 12 0.60% 1.0
10 9 0.45% 1.0 /clanky/trojmesti.html
11 8 0.40% 1.1 /archiv/vyskov.html
12 8 0.40% 0.6 /clanky.html
13 6 0.30% 1.2 /archiv/historie2.html
14 6 0.30% 0.2 /onas/stoleti.html
15 5 0.25% 1.2 /archiv/regio.html
16 5 0.25% 1.0 /archiv/strasshof.html
17 5 0.25% 1.0 /archiv/zeleznice.html
18 5 0.25% 0.8 /clenove.html
19 4 0.20% 1.0 /archiv/kolejiste2.html
20 4 0.20% 1.0 /archiv/leto1.html
... 182 9.16%   Other
Top 30 of 197 Invalid Requests
# Count Invalid Request Referring URL
1 151 /robots.txt - (Direct request)
2 43 /.env - (Direct request)
3 30 /favicon.ico
4 29 /archiv/drakonecek2012.html - (Direct request)
5 29 /archiv/go2012.html - (Direct request)
6 29 /archiv/navestidlo.html - (Direct request)
7 29 /archiv/vanoce.html - (Direct request)
8 28 /archiv/Palavak.html - (Direct request)
9 28 /archiv/go2011.html - (Direct request)
10 28 /archiv/lednice.html - (Direct request)
11 28 /archiv/maraton2012.html - (Direct request)
12 27 /archiv/palavak.html - (Direct request)
13 15 /favicon.ico
14 9 /favicon.ico - (Direct request)
15 8 /favicon.ico
16 7 //2019/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml - (Direct request)
17 7 //blog/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml - (Direct request)
18 7 //cms/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml - (Direct request)
19 7 //shop/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml - (Direct request)
20 7 //site/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml - (Direct request)
21 7 //test/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml - (Direct request)
22 7 //web/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml - (Direct request)
23 7 //wordpress/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml - (Direct request)
24 7 //wp/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml - (Direct request)
25 7 //wp1/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml - (Direct request)
26 7 //xmlrpc.php - (Direct request)
27 7 /favicon.ico
28 6 /favicon.ico
29 4 //2020/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml - (Direct request)
30 4 //news/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml - (Direct request)

Top Sites by Pages for July 2024

Top 50 of 1646 Total Sites
# Pages Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 531 9.38% 531 6.64% 531 9.09% 58.69 MB 16.75% 2 0.09% (RU, Saint Petersburg)
2 263 4.64% 263 3.29% 263 4.50% 4.55 MB 1.30% 45 2.04% (UA, Odessa)
3 122 2.15% 138 1.73% 122 2.09% 325.88 kB 0.09% 16 0.73% (, CZ)
4 117 2.07% 127 1.59% 62 1.06% 813.34 kB 0.23% 1 0.05% (US, Davidson)
5 112 1.98% 112 1.40% 56 0.96% 31.18 kB 0.01% 50 2.27% (, RU, Moscow)
6 104 1.84% 104 1.30% 52 0.89% 29.48 kB 0.01% 49 2.22% (, RU)
7 92 1.62% 92 1.15% 46 0.79% 25.69 kB 0.01% 46 2.09% (, RU)
8 90 1.59% 90 1.13% 45 0.77% 25.34 kB 0.01% 45 2.04% (, UA, Simferopol)
9 76 1.34% 76 0.95% 76 1.30% 343.67 kB 0.10% 60 2.72% (, US, Littleton)
10 46 0.81% 46 0.58% 23 0.39% 304.25 kB 0.09% 19 0.86% (
11 46 0.81% 50 0.63% 24 0.41% 115.79 kB 0.03% 2 0.09% (, US, Mountain View)
12 44 0.78% 44 0.55% 0 0.00% 18.44 kB 0.01% 1 0.05% (US, Portland)
13 44 0.78% 44 0.55% 44 0.75% 344.09 kB 0.10% 26 1.18% (RU, Saint Petersburg)
14 40 0.71% 40 0.50% 30 0.51% 96.57 kB 0.03% 10 0.45% (CZ, Prague)
15 39 0.69% 39 0.49% 0 0.00% 16.73 kB 0.00% 1 0.05% (BG, Svishtov)
16 38 0.67% 38 0.48% 38 0.65% 482.64 kB 0.14% 17 0.77%
17 37 0.65% 37 0.46% 5 0.09% 39.86 kB 0.01% 5 0.23% (HK)
18 33 0.58% 33 0.41% 33 0.56% 419.13 kB 0.12% 14 0.63% (CA, Toronto)
19 33 0.58% 33 0.41% 33 0.56% 419.13 kB 0.12% 15 0.68% (, US, Provo)
20 30 0.53% 30 0.38% 26 0.45% 71.77 kB 0.02% 2 0.09% (US)
21 30 0.53% 30 0.38% 26 0.45% 71.77 kB 0.02% 2 0.09% (US)
22 30 0.53% 30 0.38% 15 0.26% 89.50 kB 0.03% 1 0.05% (BG, Svishtov)
23 29 0.51% 29 0.36% 29 0.50% 124.84 kB 0.04% 11 0.50% (, RU, Magnitogorsk)
24 28 0.49% 28 0.35% 28 0.48% 121.22 kB 0.03% 9 0.41% (, RU, Magnitogorsk)
25 27 0.48% 38 0.48% 30 0.51% 464.23 kB 0.13% 1 0.05% (, US)
26 26 0.46% 26 0.33% 24 0.41% 169.19 kB 0.05% 1 0.05% (, DE, Frankfurt)
27 26 0.46% 46 0.58% 46 0.79% 858.25 kB 0.24% 10 0.45% (, CZ, Liberec)
28 23 0.41% 25 0.31% 12 0.21% 47.56 kB 0.01% 1 0.05% (, US, Mountain View)
29 23 0.41% 25 0.31% 12 0.21% 49.88 kB 0.01% 1 0.05% (, US, Mountain View)
30 23 0.41% 25 0.31% 12 0.21% 58.26 kB 0.02% 1 0.05% (, US, Mountain View)
31 23 0.41% 25 0.31% 12 0.21% 52.30 kB 0.01% 1 0.05% (, US, Mountain View)
32 23 0.41% 25 0.31% 12 0.21% 47.36 kB 0.01% 1 0.05% (, US, Mountain View)
33 23 0.41% 25 0.31% 12 0.21% 50.60 kB 0.01% 1 0.05% (, US, Mountain View)
34 23 0.41% 25 0.31% 12 0.21% 45.06 kB 0.01% 1 0.05% (, US, Mountain View)
35 23 0.41% 25 0.31% 12 0.21% 49.01 kB 0.01% 1 0.05% (, US, Mountain View)
36 23 0.41% 25 0.31% 12 0.21% 52.30 kB 0.01% 1 0.05% (, US, Mountain View)
37 23 0.41% 25 0.31% 12 0.21% 47.36 kB 0.01% 1 0.05% (, US, Mountain View)
38 23 0.41% 25 0.31% 12 0.21% 46.12 kB 0.01% 1 0.05% (, US, Mountain View)
39 23 0.41% 25 0.31% 12 0.21% 55.20 kB 0.02% 1 0.05% (, US, Mountain View)
40 23 0.41% 25 0.31% 12 0.21% 45.06 kB 0.01% 1 0.05% (, US, Mountain View)
41 23 0.41% 25 0.31% 12 0.21% 47.56 kB 0.01% 1 0.05% (, US, Mountain View)
42 23 0.41% 25 0.31% 12 0.21% 54.80 kB 0.02% 1 0.05% (, US, Mountain View)
43 23 0.41% 25 0.31% 12 0.21% 45.06 kB 0.01% 1 0.05% (, US, Mountain View)
44 23 0.41% 25 0.31% 12 0.21% 48.42 kB 0.01% 1 0.05% (, US, Mountain View)
45 23 0.41% 25 0.31% 12 0.21% 48.62 kB 0.01% 1 0.05% (, US, Mountain View)
46 23 0.41% 25 0.31% 12 0.21% 45.06 kB 0.01% 1 0.05% (, US, Mountain View)
47 23 0.41% 25 0.31% 12 0.21% 56.20 kB 0.02% 1 0.05% (, US, Mountain View)
48 23 0.41% 25 0.31% 12 0.21% 49.88 kB 0.01% 1 0.05% (, US, Mountain View)
49 23 0.41% 25 0.31% 12 0.21% 45.06 kB 0.01% 1 0.05% (, US, Mountain View)
50 22 0.39% 24 0.30% 11 0.19% 57.26 kB 0.02% 1 0.05% (, US, Mountain View)
... 3003 53.02% 5224 65.37% 3860 66.07% 280.12 MB 79.96% 1721 78.05% Other

Top Sites by Volume for July 2024

Top 25 of 1646 Total Sites By Volume
# Pages Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 531 9.38% 531 6.64% 531 9.09% 58.69 MB 16.75% 2 0.09% (RU, Saint Petersburg)
2 0 0.00% 49 0.61% 49 0.84% 9.89 MB 2.82% 0 0.00% (US)
3 0 0.00% 42 0.53% 42 0.72% 6.18 MB 1.76% 0 0.00% (RU)
4 263 4.64% 263 3.29% 263 4.50% 4.55 MB 1.30% 45 2.04% (UA, Odessa)
5 0 0.00% 1 0.01% 1 0.02% 4.37 MB 1.25% 0 0.00% (DE)
6 0 0.00% 3 0.04% 3 0.05% 4.34 MB 1.24% 0 0.00% (DE)
7 0 0.00% 2 0.03% 2 0.03% 4.14 MB 1.18% 0 0.00% (DE)
8 0 0.00% 17 0.21% 17 0.29% 2.98 MB 0.85% 0 0.00% (, US, Menlo Park)
9 1 0.02% 14 0.18% 13 0.22% 2.55 MB 0.73% 1 0.05% (, US, Menlo Park)
10 0 0.00% 10 0.13% 10 0.17% 2.44 MB 0.70% 0 0.00% (, US, Menlo Park)
11 0 0.00% 12 0.15% 12 0.21% 2.44 MB 0.70% 0 0.00% (, US, Menlo Park)
12 1 0.02% 13 0.16% 12 0.21% 2.39 MB 0.68% 1 0.05% (, US, Menlo Park)
13 1 0.02% 13 0.16% 11 0.19% 2.18 MB 0.62% 1 0.05% (, US, Menlo Park)
14 2 0.04% 13 0.16% 13 0.22% 2.06 MB 0.59% 2 0.09% (, US, Menlo Park)
15 0 0.00% 12 0.15% 12 0.21% 2.05 MB 0.59% 0 0.00% (, US)
16 0 0.00% 10 0.13% 10 0.17% 1.99 MB 0.57% 0 0.00% (, US)
17 1 0.02% 9 0.11% 9 0.15% 1.99 MB 0.57% 1 0.05% (, US, Menlo Park)
18 0 0.00% 9 0.11% 9 0.15% 1.98 MB 0.56% 0 0.00% (, US, Menlo Park)
19 1 0.02% 9 0.11% 8 0.14% 1.94 MB 0.55% 1 0.05% (, CZ, Zarosice)
20 0 0.00% 8 0.10% 8 0.14% 1.93 MB 0.55% 0 0.00% (, US, Menlo Park)
21 1 0.02% 18 0.23% 17 0.29% 1.91 MB 0.55% 1 0.05% (, CZ, Prague)
22 0 0.00% 9 0.11% 8 0.14% 1.81 MB 0.52% 0 0.00% (, US)
23 1 0.02% 3 0.04% 2 0.03% 1.77 MB 0.51% 1 0.05% (, US, Ann Arbor)
24 0 0.00% 1 0.01% 1 0.02% 1.77 MB 0.51% 0 0.00% (DE)
25 0 0.00% 9 0.11% 9 0.15% 1.77 MB 0.50% 0 0.00% (, US)
... 4861 85.82% 6912 86.49% 4770 81.65% 220.20 MB 62.86% 2149 97.46% Other
Top 50 of 286 Total Referrers
# Pages URL
1 531 9.38%
2 202 3.57%
3 55 0.97%
4 49 0.87%
5 45 0.79%
6 38 0.67%
7 34 0.60%
8 34 0.60%
9 32 0.56%
10 32 0.56%
11 29 0.51%
12 28 0.49%
13 26 0.46%
14 22 0.39%
15 21 0.37%
16 17 0.30%
17 15 0.26%
18 13 0.23%
19 13 0.23%
20 13 0.23%
21 13 0.23%
22 13 0.23%
23 13 0.23%
24 13 0.23%
25 13 0.23%
26 13 0.23%
27 12 0.21%
28 12 0.21%
29 11 0.19%
30 11 0.19%
31 10 0.18%
32 9 0.16%
33 8 0.14%
34 8 0.14%
35 8 0.14%
36 8 0.14%
37 8 0.14%
38 8 0.14%
39 8 0.14%
40 8 0.14%
41 8 0.14%
42 6 0.11%
43 6 0.11%
44 6 0.11%
45 6 0.11%
46 6 0.11%
47 6 0.11%
48 6 0.11%
49 6 0.11%
50 6 0.11%
... 4146 73.20% Other
Top 5 of 5 Total Search Strings
# Pages Search String
1 10 43.48%самые-низкие-цены/
2 7 30.43%
3 3 13.04%
4 2 8.70%
5 1 4.35%

Top User Agents July 2024

Top 15 of 491 Total User Agents
# Pages User Agent
1 3708 65.47% Browser: Google Chrome
2 621 10.96% Buck/2.4.2; (+
3 335 5.91% Browser: Firefox
4 122 2.15% FirmoGraph (+
5 97 1.71% Browser: Mozilla/5.0 browsers
6 74 1.31% Mobile: iPhone
7 62 1.09% ALittle Client
8 58 1.02% Browser: Mozilla/4.0 browsers
9 58 1.02% Browser: Netscape 3
10 54 0.95% Browser: Netscape 2
11 45 0.79% Browser: Safari
12 44 0.78% fasthttp
13 43 0.76% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
14 31 0.55% scalaj-http/2.4.2
15 12 0.21% Expanse, a Palo Alto Networks company, searches across the global IPv4 space multiple times per day to identify customers' presences on the Internet. If you would like to be excluded from our scans, please send IP addresses/domains to:
... 4729 83.49% Other

Usage by Country for July 2024

Top 30 of 65 Total Countries
# Pages Hits Files Volume Country
1 2146 37.89% 3239 40.53% 2208 37.80% 160.20 MB 45.73% United States
2 1062 18.75% 1110 13.89% 944 16.16% 66.42 MB 18.96% Russian Federation
3 379 6.69% 396 4.95% 231 3.95% 1.84 MB 0.53% Unresolved/Unknown
4 379 6.69% 379 4.74% 321 5.49% 4.64 MB 1.33% Ukraine
5 338 5.97% 1132 14.16% 1019 17.44% 71.13 MB 20.30% Czech Republic
6 139 2.45% 179 2.24% 142 2.43% 22.11 MB 6.31% Germany
7 116 2.05% 189 2.36% 54 0.92% 369.88 kB 0.11% Bulgaria
8 104 1.84% 113 1.41% 67 1.15% 460.56 kB 0.13% United Kingdom
9 90 1.59% 115 1.44% 73 1.25% 1.10 MB 0.31% Canada
10 70 1.24% 70 0.88% 59 1.01% 588.33 kB 0.17% Netherlands
11 68 1.20% 77 0.96% 33 0.56% 532.31 kB 0.15% Australia
12 64 1.13% 66 0.83% 48 0.82% 268.62 kB 0.08% India
13 50 0.88% 52 0.65% 34 0.58% 267.16 kB 0.08% European Union
14 50 0.88% 51 0.64% 17 0.29% 122.61 kB 0.03% Hong Kong
15 48 0.85% 48 0.60% 32 0.55% 191.52 kB 0.05% Romania
16 47 0.83% 50 0.63% 37 0.63% 222.59 kB 0.06% France
17 41 0.72% 41 0.51% 28 0.48% 156.98 kB 0.04% Japan
18 39 0.69% 40 0.50% 26 0.45% 224.64 kB 0.06% Israel
19 30 0.53% 30 0.38% 21 0.36% 173.49 kB 0.05% Spain
20 27 0.48% 30 0.38% 17 0.29% 116.52 kB 0.03% Italy
21 23 0.41% 24 0.30% 15 0.26% 97.68 kB 0.03% China
22 22 0.39% 24 0.30% 10 0.17% 66.20 kB 0.02% Argentina
23 22 0.39% 98 1.23% 86 1.47% 12.68 MB 3.62% Belgium
24 22 0.39% 22 0.28% 14 0.24% 77.43 kB 0.02% Switzerland
25 21 0.37% 21 0.26% 21 0.36% 266.72 kB 0.08% Kyrgyzstan
26 21 0.37% 22 0.28% 14 0.24% 121.14 kB 0.03% Portugal
27 21 0.37% 21 0.26% 21 0.36% 97.25 kB 0.03% Seychelles
28 17 0.30% 32 0.40% 19 0.33% 1.34 MB 0.38% Ireland
29 17 0.30% 17 0.21% 17 0.29% 73.85 kB 0.02% Turkey
30 16 0.28% 40 0.50% 35 0.60% 1.12 MB 0.32% Poland
... 175 3.09% 264 3.30% 179 3.06% 3.25 MB 0.93% Other